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Pulse by healthjobhub with Prasanthi Naidoo - Healthcare Superheroes - "The Podcast" - Live Stories
2023-05-15 Prasanthi Naidoo
Prasanthi interviews doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers to share their stories about what inspired them to choose their career in healthcare. Her special guests share their incredible real life unfiltered experiences on the show.
Innovation in healthcare recruitment marketing
2023-05-15 Prasanthi Naidoo is a referrals based jobs platform that helps people earn money and get jobs. We help top employers get more referrals of top talent to hire.
The 2.1M Healthcare Job Problem
2021-12-02 Prasanthi Naidoo
Due to the unprecedented global pandemic COVID-19, burnout, baby boomers aging, longer life expectancy and better management of chronic disease, new and vacant “higher demand” healthcare jobs are growing at 5.14% CAGR...